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Bachelors Course Descriptions

Masters Course Descriptions

Doctorate Course Descriptions


Bachelors – Course Descriptions

*CRD1612 - The Apostles Creed

ECC1112 - The Apostles' Creed: The Articles of Faith

This lesson looks at the Apostles' Creed as a summary of the articles or doctrines that must be affirmed by all those who would call themselves "Christian." It speaks of the history of the Creed, provides an overview of its statements, and focuses on the importance of its doctrines for today.

THP1112 - The Apostles' Creed: God the Father

This lesson addresses the basic idea of God, looking at some general things the Bible teaches about his existence and nature. It focuses on the phrase "Father Almighty," paying attention to some distinctive qualities of the first person of the Trinity. And it explores the Father's role as the Maker, or creator, of everything that exists.

CHR1112 - The Apostles' Creed: Jesus Christ

This lesson speaks of the divinity of Jesus Christ, looking at things like the nature of his divinity, and his relationship to the other members of the Trinity. It looks at his humanity, and discusses the relationship between his divine and human natures. And it talks about his work both during and after his earthly ministry.

PNE1112 - The Apostles' Creed: The Holy Spirit

This lesson talks about the Holy Spirit's divinity, his full membership in the Godhead. It considers his personhood, noting that the Holy Spirit is a true person and not simply a divine force. And it explores the work that the Holy Spirit did in the past, and that he continues to do today.

ECC1122 - The Apostles' Creed: The Church

This lesson looks at the divine sanction of the church, and at the facts that the church is holy, catholic or universal, and a communion.

SOT1112 - The Apostles' Creed: Salvation

This discussion of salvation addresses the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the nature of everlasting life.

*GOS1510 - The Gospels

BHN1112 - The Gospels: Introduction to the Gospels

Explores the literary character of the Gospels, their status in the Church, and their unity and variety.

BHN1122 - The Gospels: The Gospel According to Matthew

Matthew wrote the first gospel to explain that Jesus was the king of Jews that brought the kingdom of heaven, even though Jesus didn't arrive in the way people expected.

BHN1132 - The Gospels: The Gospel According to Mark

The persecution of Christians was on Mark's mind as he wrote the second Gospel. Mark told the story of Jesus' life in ways that strengthened the faith of early Christians and encouraged them to persevere through suffering.

BHN1142 - The Gospels: The Gospel According to Luke

Luke described Jesus Christ as the one who saves. Humanity is lost and desperate, without help or hope, in need of salvation. The third gospel reminds us that Jesus died to save us.

BHN1152 - The Gospels: The Gospel According to John

John wrote the fourth gospel to assure persecuted Jewish believers that Jesus was the fulfillment of God's ancient promises to the Jews that Jesus really is the Christ, the Son of God. John wanted to make sure that they would remain faithful to Jesus and enjoy abundant life in him.

*ACT136 - The Book of Acts

BHN1162 - The Book of Acts: The Background of Acts

Investigates the author, historical setting, and the theological background of the book of Acts.

BHN1172 - The Book of Acts: The Background of Acts

Investigates the author, historical setting, and the theological background of the book of Acts.

BHN1182 - The Book of Acts: Major Themes

Explores the three major concepts that Luke addressed as he unfolded the unhindered spread of the gospel of God's kingdom in the days of the early church.

*GOD148 - We Believe in God

THP1122 - We Believe in God: What We Know About God

Introduces how evangelical systematic theologians have approached some of the most basic issues related to understanding who God is and what he does.

THP1132 - We Believe in God: How God Is Different

Focuses on what theologians have often called God's incommunicable attributes, how gloriously unlike his creation God is.

THP1142 - We Believe in God: How God Is Like Us

Examines what theologians commonly call God's communicable attributes, the ways that God and his creation are similar.

THP1152 - We Believe in God: God's Plan and Works

Explores how evangelical systematic theologians have approached the plan of God and the works by which he accomplishes his plan.

*SPIR148 - We Believe in the Holy Spirit I

PNE1122 - We Believe In The Holy Spirit: In the Trinity

Examines the Holy Spirit as a full and equal member of the Godhead.

PNE1132 - We Believe In The Holy Spirit: In the World

Focuses on the Holy Spirit's activity in the creation as a whole.

PNE1142 - We Believe In The Holy Spirit: In the Church

Explores the Holy Spirit's work within the community of God's covenant people.

PNE1152 - We Believe In The Holy Spirit: In the Believer

Looks at the Holy Spirit's work of applying salvation to individual believers.

*JES1510 - We Believe in Jesus

CHR1122 - We Believe in Jesus: The Redeemer

Explores the role of God the Son throughout redemptive history.

CHR1132 - We Believe in Jesus: The Christ

Explores the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

CHR1142 - We Believe in Jesus: The Prophet

Explores Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament office of prophet.

CHR1152 - We Believe in Jesus: The Priest

Explores Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament office of priest.

CHR1162 - We Believe in Jesus: The King

Explores Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament office of king.

*BTHE148 - Building Your Theology

SYS1112 - Building Your Theology: What Is Theology?

Explores typical definitions, and describes and evaluates the perspectives of these definitions.

SYS1122 - Building Your Theology: Exploring Christian Theology

Defines what Christian theology is, explores the theological traditions that gave shape to Christian theology, and outlines the basic tenets of Reformed theology.

SYS1132 - Building Your Theology: Relying on Revelation

Explores what the Scriptures teach about revelation, the dynamics of understanding revelation, and how to develop confidence in theological conclusions.

SYS1142 - Building Your Theology: Authority in Theology

Summarizes the outlooks on theological authority in the Medieval Roman Catholic Church, the early Protestant church and in contemporary Protestantism.



‡ Extended Categories ‡

*COMP114 - Comparative Religion (Choose one)

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes and impacts (including migration) of the world's religions.

#APL1112 - 1. An Introduction to Comparative Religion – Frank Byron Jevons

#APL1122 - 2. Ten Great Religions – James Freeman Clarke

*MORT114 - Moral Theology

Christian theological discipline concerned with identifying and elucidating the principles that determine the quality of human behavior in the light of Christian revelation.

MOR1114 - 1. John A. McHugh and Charles J. Callan

*SACR114 - Sacramental Theology

Sacramental theology is the systematic study of the sacraments based on reflection on the liturgical celebration of these rites throughout history and on the insights of theologians and other teachers in light of the magisterium.

#ECC1134 - 1. Sacramental Theology – Sandesa Bhavan

#ECC1144 - 2. General Principles of Sacramental Theology – Roger W. Nutt

*CHIS114 - Church/Christian History (Choose one)

The study of the existence, growth and important milestones within the Church.

#HST1114 - 1. A History of the Early Church - John A. Apeabu

#HST1124 - 2. A Brief Bible History - John G. Machen

#HST1134 - 3. The History of Christianity - John S.C. Abbott

*PAST114 - Pastoral Theology

Branch of practical theology concerned with the application of the study of religion in the context of regular church ministry. This approach to theology seeks to give practical expression to theology. Normally viewed as an 'equipping' of ministers, practical theology is often considered to be more pragmatic than speculative, indeed, essentially a practical science. Hence its main interests are in those areas of theology which will aid clergy in ministry. Topics tend to include homiletics, pastoral care, sacramental theology, and ethics.

PST1114 - 1. The Pastor: Qualifications and Duties – H. Harvey

*PSM114 - Pastoral Ministry

The care and leadership of people within the church

PSM1114 - 1. Pastoral Ministry – E.G White

*ETHC114 – Ethics

Christian theological discipline concerned with identifying and elucidating the principles that determine the quality of human behavior in the light of Christian revelation. (see MORT114)

MOR1124 - 1. Handbook of Christian Ethics - Archibald B.D. Alexander

*DENO114 – Denominations

The study of the similarities and difference of various Christian Denominations and Sects. This may include canons, rubrics, beliefs and general practices.

ECM1114 - 1. Christian Denominations: A Comprehensive Guide – Geoff

*SPRT114 - We Believe in the Holy Spirit II

The study of the Holy Spirit as part of the Godhead and the implications of the Spirits interactions with humanity. (see PNE1122)

PNE1164 - 1. Pneumatolgy – Robert D. Luginbill

*JES114 - We Believe in Jesus II

The study of Christ, both Jesus as a person and the works of Christ. Christology is far-reaching. As one might expect, it covers Jesus’ earthly birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. However, it also pertains to His eternal existence prior to His earthly life, His humanity and deity, Old Testament Christological prophecies, and His future return and reign.

CHR1174 - 1. Christology – Robert D. Luginbill

*HOM1114 - Homiletics (Practicum)

The art of preaching; that branch of theology which treats of homilies or sermons, and the best method of preparing and delivering them.

HOM1114 - 1. Homiletics 1 through 6

*SPTH112 – Tradition

Emphasizes beliefs, practices, customs, traditions, liturgical forms, devotions and presentations of the universal faith

SPTH1112 - 1. Apostolic Tradition – Hippolytus


Masters – Course Descriptions

*OTS244 - Kingdom, Covenants and Canon of the Old Testament

BTH2111 - Why Study the Old Testament

Investigates the importance of the Old Testament, exploring the distance between the Old Testament and our day, the relevance of the Old Testament, and application of the Old Testament.

BTH2121 - The Kingdom of God

Explores a proper understanding of the Bible's theology of the Kingdom of God by providing the most comprehensive outlook on the Old Testament.

BTH2131 - Divine Covenants

Explores how God governed his kingdom through a series of covenants that he established in Old Testament history.

BTH2141 - The Canon of the Old Testament

Explores how the Old Testament canon presents specific guidance by examining the Old Testament as mirror, window and picture.

*NTS244 - Kingdom and Covenant in the New Testament Category

BTH2151- Why Study New Testament Theology

Examines why it's important to devote ourselves to the careful, in-depth study of New Testament theology.

BTH2161 - The Kingdom of God

Points out one of the most prominent teachings of the New Testament: the kingdom of God.

BTH2171 - The New Covenant

Explores how New Testament authors relied on the concept of the new covenant to shape some of their most significant theological perspectives.

*PTS244 - The Heart of Paul's Theology Category

BHN2111 - Paul and His Theology

Explores Paul's theology—how his beliefs related to his ministry as well as his central theological outlooks.

BHN2121 - Paul and the Galatians

Explores the background of Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, the content of Galatians, and Paul's central theological outlooks.

BHN2131 - Paul and the Thessalonians

Investigates the background to Paul's letters to the Thessalonians, examines the structure and content of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and reveals his eschatology.

BHN2141 - Paul and the Corinthians

Explores the background to Paul's letters to the Corinthians, examines the structure and content of 1 and 2 Corinthians, and reveals his eschatology.

*PPE 255 - Paul's Prison Epistles Category

BHN2151 - Paul's Imprisonment

Surveys the circumstances that gave rise to Paul's letters to the Colossians, Philemon, the Ephesians and the Philippians.

BHN2161 - Paul and the Colossians

Examines Paul's response to the heretical teachings that introduced the veneration of lesser spiritual beings into Christian worship.

BHN2171 - Paul and the Ephesians

Examines how Paul designed Ephesians to teach Christians how to build, maintain and thrive in God's kingdom.

BHN2181 - Paul and Philemon

Considers Paul's letter to Philemon and his request for Philemon to reconcile with Onesimus.

BHN2191 - Paul and the Philippians

Examines Paul's letter of hope and encouragement for the times of persecution and distress he and the Philippians faced.

*BJS244 - The Book of Joshua Category

BHN21A1 - An Introduction to Joshua

Introduces the book of Joshua, including what it meant for its original audience and what it means for us today.

BHN21B1 - Victorious Conquest

Addresses the original audience's challenges associated with warfare by drawing attention to Israel's extensive victory over the land of Canaan.

BHN21C1 - Tribal Inheritances

Explores how Joshua called the people of Israel to live together as heirs of the Promised Land.

BHN21D1 - Tribal Inheritances

Reveals the significance of Israel's call to be faithful to the terms of their covenant with God.

*JAM222 - The Epistle of James Category

BHN21E1 - Introduction to James

Introduces the epistle of James as the New Testament book of wisdom, and examines the author, audience, occasion of writing, and the letter's structure and content.

BHN21F1 - Two Paths of Wisdom

Explores both reflective and practical wisdom found in the book of James and discusses what this meant for the original audience and what it means for Christians today.

*HEB222 - The Book of Hebrews Category

BHN21G1 - The Background and Purpose of Hebrews

Introduces perspectives on the author, audience, date and purpose of the book of Hebrews that can help us interpret the original meaning and apply this book to our modern world.

BHN21H1 - Content and Structure

Explores the rhetorical tools the author of Hebrews used to exhort his original audience to remain faithful to Jesus, and explains how the author wove recurring elements into persuasive presentations.



++ Extended Categories ++

*APL213 - Apologetics (chose one)

Studying Christian theology as it compares to non-Christian worldviews in order to defend the faith and challenge beliefs that lie in contrast with Christianity.

#APL2113 - Apologetics by the Book – Cliff McManis

#APL2123 - Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics – Kreeft and Tacelli

*CHR213 - Christology (Chose one)

The study of Christ, both Jesus as a person and the works of Christ. Christology is far-reaching. As one might expect, it covers Jesus’ earthly birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. However, it also pertains to His eternal existence prior to His earthly life, His humanity and deity, Old Testament Christological prophecies, and His future return and reign.

#CHR2113 - The Person of Christ - Loraine Boettner

#CHR2124 - Christology: The Doctrine of Christ – David Hocking

*SYS213 - Systematic Theology (Chose one)

Discipline of Christian theology that formulates an orderly, rational, and coherent account of the doctrines of the Christian faith. It addresses issues such as what the Bible teaches about certain topics or what is true about God and his universe. It also builds on biblical disciplines, church history, as well as biblical and historical theology.

#SYS2113 - Systematic Theology – Robert Cheung

#SYS2123 - Systematic Theology – Louis Berkhof

*ESC213 – Eschatology

Minor branch of study within Christian theology which deals with the doctrine of the "last things", especially the Second Coming of Christ, or Parousia.

ESC2113 - A Study in Biblical Eschatology - G.I Williamson


Doctorate – Course Descriptions

 *SCRP3C22 - He Gave Us Scripture

BHN3112 - Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics

Introduces a basic framework for sound and scholarly biblical interpretation.

BHN3122 - Preparation for Interpretation

Focuses on helpful things to do before reading and interpreting the Scriptures.

BHN3132 - Investigating Scripture

Focuses on concepts important to exploring and discovering the meaning of Scripture.

BHN3142 - Approaches to Meaning

Looks at some of the major ways interpreters have identified and described the meaning of Scripture.

BHN3152 - The Complexity of Meaning

Looks at some of the major ways interpreters have identified and described the meaning of Scripture.

BHN3152 - Discovering Meaning

Focuses on hermeneutical strategies that help reveal the original meaning of Scripture.

BHN3172 - Applying Scripture

Suggests approaches to application that make the original meaning of Scripture relevant for modern audiences.

BHN3182 - Modern Application and Old Testament Epochs

Suggests approaches to application that make the original meaning of Scripture relevant for modern audiences.

BHN3192 - Modern Application and the New Testament

Explores how the new covenant in Christ should guide the ways we apply all of Scripture to our own day.

BHN31A2 - Biblical Culture and Modern Application

Looks at how the cultural dimensions of Scripture affects our application of the Bible to the modern world.

BHN31B2 - Modern Application for Individuals

Looks at how we should apply Scripture to others and to ourselves as individual people.

*MAN348 - What is Man

THA3112 - In the Beginning

Explores what human beings were like when God first created us and placed us in the Garden of Eden.

THA3122 - The Image of God

Examines what it means for human beings to be created in God's image.

THA3132 - The Curse of Sin

Examines what the Bible says about human sin, and especially its negative effects on humanity.

THA3142 - The Covenant of Grace

Focuses on the gracious covenant relationship God established with humanity after our fall into sin.

*KNG348 - Your Kingdom Come, The Doctrine of Eschatology

ESC3112 - The Goal of Creation

Looks at how God's plan for history leads to the ultimate goal of completing his kingdom.

ESC3122 - The Living and the Dead

Considers how individual human beings experience the events of the last days.

ESC3132 - The Coming of the King

Explores what the Bible says about Christ's "second coming" and its relationship to events that lead to the end of the age.

ESC3132 - The End of the Age

Focuses on the last events of history that will finally end this age and fully consummate the age to come.

*MBD3A20 - Making Biblical Decisions

MOR3112 - Ethics in Scripture

Establishes a definition of Christian ethics, examines the threefold criteria of good works, and presents a biblical threefold process for making ethical decisions.

MOR3122 - Normative Perspective - God and His Word

Explores the authority of God and his Word in ethics.

MOR3132 - Normative Perspective - The Attributes of Scripture

Explores the proper standards for ethical decisions by investigating the divine authorship and the attributes of Scripture.

MOR3142 - Normative Perspective - Parts/Aspects of Scripture

Examines the different ways the various parts and aspects of Scripture communicate God's norms to us.

MOR3152 - Situational Perspective - Revelation and Situation

Focuses on how a proper understanding of situations can help us understand God's revelation.

MOR3162 - Situational Perspective - Pursuing Our Goal

Focuses on the overarching goal that God has laid before us, namely, the success and triumph of his kingdom as it spreads from heaven to cover the whole earth.

MOR3172 - Situational Perspective - Understanding the Facts

Identifies the major components of the ethical situation we encounter in the modern world and explains how each component bears on the ethical decisions we must make.

MOR3182 - Existential Perspective - Being Good

Explores the existential perspective by looking at the relationship between goodness and our being and focusing on how goodness relates to who we are.

MOR3192 - Existential Perspective - Intending Good

Investigates the existential perspective on ethics by looking at the ways our motives and intentions affect the morality of our decisions.

MOR31A2 - Existential Perspective - Choosing Good

Explores how Christians actually make ethical decisions; how we go about choosing good.

*PRPH3816 - He Gave Us Prophets

BHN31C2 - Essential Hermeneutical Perspectives

Explores the confusion about prophecy, a prophet's experience, original meaning and New Testament perspectives on Old Testament prophecy.

BHN31D2 - A Prophet's Job

Explores the job titles, transitions and expectations of a prophet.

BHN31E2 - The People of the Covenant

Examines humanity and covenant, Israel and covenant as well as salvation and covenant.

BHN31F2 - Dynamics of the Covenant

Explores covenant ideals, judgments and blessings.

BHN31G2 - Historical Analysis of Prophecy

Examines how Old Testament history provides the context for properly understanding Old Testament prophecy.

BHN31H2 - Literary Analysis of the Prophets

Examines three different kinds of literature within Old Testament prophecy: historical narratives, communication with God and communication with people.

BHN31J2 - The Purpose of Predictions

Explores four topics related to prophetic words about the future: God's sovereignty, human contingencies, degrees of certainty, and desired outcomes.

ESC3152 - Unfolding Eschatology

Focuses on how prophetic eschatology developed through the historical periods of: Moses, the early prophets, the later prophets, and the New Testament.



++ Extended Categories ++

*CETH312 - Christian Ethics

Christian ethics, also known as moral theology, is a multi-faceted ethical system. It is a virtue ethic, which focuses on building moral character, and a deontological ethic which emphasizes duty. It also incorporates natural law ethics, which is built on the belief that it is the very nature of humans – created in the image of God and capable of morality, cooperation, rationality, discernment and so on – that informs how life should be lived, and that awareness of sin does not require special revelation.

MOR31B2 - Christian Ethics - Harkness

*THP312 - Theology Proper

Theology proper – the study of God's attributes, nature, and relation to the world; may include:

Theodicy – attempts at reconciling the existence of evil and suffering in the world with the nature and justice of God.

Apophatic theology – negative theology which seeks to describe God by negation (e.g., immutable, impassible ). It is the discussion of what God is not.

THP3112 - The Doctrine of God - Louis Berkhof

*SYS312 - Soteriology

The study of the nature and means of salvation in Christianity. May include hamartiology (the study of sin), God's Law and the Gospel (the study of the relationship between the Divine Law and divine grace, justification, and sanctification.)

SOT3112 - Systematic Theology, Soteriology - E.C Bragg