Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
MO § 173.616. Sections 173.600 to 173.618.
Legals: Valid Degrees of Theological Nature (Th.B, Th.M, Th.D)
Institutor of the Coalition of Independent Christian Seminaries
Welcome to St. Borromeo
The St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, hereafter referenced as SCBS, is a not-for-profit registered entity in the state of Missouri, USA. The stated registration resides under the statutes MO § 173.616. Sections 173.600 to 173.618. The operational Charter Number is N001690150. Valid degrees of Theological Nature (Th.B, Th.M, Th.D)
Institutor of the Coalition of Independent Christian Seminaries under the SCBS Charter
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact with our team.
Contact: stborromeoseminary@att.net or uecc@att.net
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Contact usMission statement
St. Charles Borromeo Seminary is an integral component of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion. This organization trains practicing clergy for entry into Apostolic Priesthood within the United Episcopal Catholic Communion or affiliated churches. We do open our training and processes to other organizations upon request.
Seminary Training
While we train clergy for the operations of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion, there is a process for other organizations to utilize the seminary for their needs.
Our training is based on the ancient model that existed for over 1900 years of Christian history. With a more monastic and apprenticeship approach we target the seminarians relationship with the divine, and how that relationship applies to the day to day task of practicing clergy. We do not subscribe to secular university practices of rote memory, memory for material without much reference to the meaning, emotions, or to the context to which it is associated.
Founded by the Patriarch of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion, the philosophy of the seminary is to return to the traditions of a more monastic and apprenticeship style training that existed 1900+ years before the secularization of accreditation affected university seminaries.
Leadership & Organization
St. Borromeo's reach is both local and international. While the seminary is integral to the United Episcopal Catholic Communion and we train specifically for our own clergy, there is a process to allow other organizations to utilize the training provided.
Degrees of Theological Nature Only
St. Borromeo operates as a fully exempt institution under the laws of Missouri and in full compliance with the rules of the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development. We do not seek accreditation from the 'university' style seminary accreditation agencies. Accreditation is a secular concept, does not fit well with religious precepts, and exists predominantly to support student loans, administration tasks and business operations of the accredited seminary. We may, at our discretion, review accreditation requirements in the future.
Catalog and Requirements
Check out our Curriculum Catalog and Requirements
Farmington, Missouri USA
Private Missouri Integral Theological Seminary
The St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, hereafter referenced as SCBS, is a not-for-profit registered entity in the state of Missouri, USA. The stated registration resides under the statutes MO § 173.616. Sections 173.600 to 173.618. The operational Charter Number is N001690150.
Degrees of Theological Nature Only.
St. Borromeo Seminary has received certification exemption status from the Missouri Department of Education.
Bachelor of Sacred Christian Theology
Master of Sacred Christian Theology
Doctor of Sacred Christian Theology
St. Borromeo Acedemics
You'll interact closely with practicing clergy to fulfill your training needs. Self paced experience is designed to fit both your secular and religious needs.
View the full list of requirements to be met in the theological degree programs
Bachelors Program
Masters Program
Doctorate Program
St. Charles Borromeo Seminary was created as an integral component of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion. The seminary operates as not-for-profit exempt seminary under the laws of the Sate of Missouri, operates under it's own charter, yet is bound to the canons and operations of the parent church.
St. Borromeo Seminary is specifically designed to serve the requirements of the independent church movement. Most independents operate with non-stipend clergy, who seek clerical status not to operate as a business, rather to serve of free will as did the Apostles. This makes the extreme expense of university based seminaries totally out of reach for most.
The curriculum is designed more inline with the ancient methods of monastic training or apprenticeship under practicing clergy. While our standards are specific to the requirements of our organization, there is a path for other independents to utilize the seminary.
St. Borromeo utilizes 'practicing clergy' for the delivery of our curriculum. The clergy trainers are chosen by the Patriarch of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion, who is also the Rector of the seminary. Generally the clergy trainers are Bishops in Good Standing, but well trained Apostolic Priests who are active and theologically sound may be appointed.
Return to Ancient Tradition
St. Borromeo Seminary, based on the beliefs and canons of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion, presents the training of clergy by the practices of the ancient church that existed for nearly 1900 years.
Our Process
The seminary does not utilize the 'university' model embraced by most seminaries today. We provide the training in a more monastic or apprenticeship format. We believe that this process allows the postulant a more direct route to finding a 'personal relationship' with the divine, rather that rote memory and question/answer responses.
The Mission
St. Borromeo Seminary trains 'practicing clergy', and not 'theologians', those who desire to research, debate or translate biblical materials. Our intent is to train the postulants to operate successfully within the day to day operations of their church under the guidance of the beliefs, canons, rubrics, ethics and operations of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion. While the seminary is an integral component of the Communion, there is a path and process available to any independent organization which may desire to utilize our training.