Herein we present a document discussing the structure, theology and direction of this communion of churches.

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The United Episcopal Catholic Communion is divided into two inseparable, none the less autonomous organizations. With great pride the two entities share a common core faith; the ancient Apostolic traditions and the true understanding of the one holy catholic and apostolic church. This faith is soundly founded in the churches of Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch and Rome. These churches operated for hundreds of years in a similar autonomous fashion, and did so successfully for the glory of the Christ, his praise and worship

The UECC is the parent, acting as the primacy of the worldwide organization. The core precepts of the Independent Old Catholic traditions are accepted and practiced with love and respect. We embrace two liturgies that support these precepts; The Novus Ordo and the Traditional (Tridentine or Latin) Mass. Both are presented in the vernacular. While the new mass is prevalent today, the great beauty and ancient ties of the traditional mass must not be overlooked.

The UECC supports fully and with pride an Anglican (Anglo-Catholic) Ordinate. While Anglicanism has components that were derived from the Reformation era, the core liturgies and many of the beliefs are soundly founded in the ancient apostolic traditions.

As a key component of the UECC, the St. Borromeo Seminary strives to train our postulants in a manner that fits the ancient tradition of the monasteries. For 1800 years of history, new clergy were trained "hands on" by practicing priests. It was not the purview of clergy to be university trained, that was reserved only for special clergy who desired to debate theology. Our seminary trains postulants in the beliefs and theology of our organization, so they may become the best clergy possible based on the canons and rubrics of the UECC.