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Donation Page

Donations Page

United Episcopal Catholic Communion

General Tithe

General Tithe

For anyone wishing to tithe to the United Episcopal Catholic Communion or it's affiliates and do not seek the 'gift in kind'.

We appreciate all tithes, every dollar helps support our growing missions.

Brcause our clergy do not recieve a stipend of any type, this money directly supports church operations.

We thanks you for your support.

Enter your own amount (example: 5.00, 10.00, 20.00, other)

SKU General_Tithe
General Donation:

Library Donation

Library Donation

Support the United Episcopal Catholic Communion Reference Library.

Our reference library contains many thousands of documents, books and other research material. The subjects cover a wide range; ethics, theology, divinity, biblical, sermons, church history, philosophy and more.

The library is 'free' to all with the desire to research. The cost of the software and hardware is quite expensive, and we ask that if you would support us in this endeavor it would be much appreciated.

SKU Library_Donation
Library Add Amount:


Whereas donations are free will and support the operations of this organization and it's affiliates, there is a no refund policy in effect.

Join Our Organization

If you perceive a calling to the ministry and wish to serve, can support yourself in a steady secular job, cannot subscribe to the outrageous cost of 'secular university' seminary training, cannot justify 5-7 years in seminary and formation and desire to operate an semi-autonomous church, we can provide you the path to your personal success.

We also offer incardination for pre-existing qualified clergy.

If you perceive a calling to the ministry and wish to serve, can support yourself in a steady secular job, cannot subscribe to the outrageous cost of 'secular university' seminary training, cannot justify 5-7 years in seminary and formation and desire to operate an semi-autonomous church, we can provide you the path to your personal success.

We also offer incardination for pre-existing qualified clergy.

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