As an ordinate of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion the Anglican Protestant Church shares many of the beliefs and canons of the parent organization. The ordinate encompasses the Anglican, Anglo-Protestant and Anglo-Catholic principles.
The Anglican (Anglo-Protestant, Anglo-Catholic) faith is founded on the premise of "Via Media", The Middle Way. The practice of this faith is somewhere in between traditional Catholic and Protestantism as historically founded in the Reformation.
Our organization has embraced two main forms of the faith, with a third that is optional for our clergy: Low, Broad and the optional High Church.
Low Church is a set of beliefs and liturgies that encompass an open church concept that seeks a common ground for all believers. While the liturgy and prayers are strong in the beliefs of the church, the practice of said liturgies and prayers are less ritualistic than those of High and Broad Church. Anyone of any denomination would be comfortable at low church, All the core elements are intact, with the concentration placed on the word or music and not on pomp/circumstance. Low Church concentrates on participation of the individual. Low Church may lean more evangelistic because of the concentration on the word.
Broad Church today is best defined by the term via media (middle way). It is a composite middle ground between High Church and Low Church. Broad Church may be more liberal in it’s beliefs and liturgies. Broad Church is a happy medium between evangelical practices and stylized ritual. Broad Church is a balance of praise for the Trinity and participation.
High Church by definition is more structured and stylized. High Church is highly ritualistic, with much pomp and circumstance. This would include a longer stylized entrance procession, Cleansing (Asperges and Thurifer) and many of the ancient postures of penitence. The High Church liturgies may be spoken or sung. The beauty and elegance of a well executed High Church cannot be overstated. High Church concentrates on the praise of the Trinity and less on participation.
The Anglican Protestant Church is an integral part of the organization, none the less it operates with a high level of autonomy. The bishops and clergy directly report to the Presiding Archbishop of the UECC, the operate under the core canons of the parent organization, but also have the freedom to operate with a subset of canons related to the unique structure of the Anglican Apostolic Church. This includes the liturgies and rubrics that support the Anglican faith.